• Nieuws
  • Aim High.
  • Think Big.

Last week, our Grade 10 students joined an ISL Job Fair and had the pleasure of meeting a number of professionals with diverse career backgrounds.
Our fantastic professional volunteers, informed the students about their own personal journey that led them to the job that they do today.
They shared their excitement/dreams/experience/choices and challenges that they encountered along the way. 

It was a real insight for our students!



"Just a quick email to congratulate you on a very successful event last night!

My child really enjoyed the job fair with all the interesting presentations and came home very inspired and excited about the future. How great that people who are at an early stage in their career and people who are at "senior" level, all came and talked about their education and career.


Just like to let you know, according to my child, the job fair today was a great success. They came back very excited and felt they learnt a lot from it.


It was a lot of fun and all the students were really engaged. Love to do this again! 

It seems like only yesterday since making similar subject choices when actually it’s 30 years! 
Best lesson is that you always have options, your aren’t boxed in by one decision.

Thanks so much for the opportunity to be part of this.